To serve as a trusted source of clinical information that helps healthcare professionals improve competence, performance, and patient outcomes.

Innovative, interactive live & digital education
Serialised, individualised advanced learning
Progressive outcomes research

Respected faculty committed to providing innovative & interactive educational programmes
Scientific rigour, fair balanced & evidence-based content

Leaders within the global healthcare community
Partnerships with local experts across the globe
- Partnerships with clinical institutions, associations, societies, and patient advocacy groups

Albania | Algeria | Anguilla | Argentina | Australia | Bahamas | Bahrain | Belarus | Bolivia | Brazil | Bulgaria | Cambodia | Cameroon | Canada | Central African Republic | Chile | China | Columbia | Croatia | Republic of Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Dominican Republic | Egypt | El Salvador | France | French Polynesia | Georgia | Germany | Greece | Guatemala | Haiti | Hong Kong | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Japan | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Republic of Korea | Lebanon | Lithuania | Malaysia | Mali | Mexico | Moldova | Mongolia | Myanmar | Nigeria | Oman | Pakistan | Paraguay | Peru | Philippines | Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico | Qatar | Romania | Russian Federation | Saudi Arabia | Singapore | Slovakia | South Africa | Spain | Sudan | Suriname | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria | Thailand | Trinidad and Tobago | Tunisia | Turkey | Uganda | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | United Kingdom | United States | United States Minor Outlying Islands | Venezuela | Vietnam
…and the list is still growing!
Proving Value Via Outcomes
At AGILE, we individualize education for international impact. Our outcomes are designed to prove value for the healthcare community at large.
Looking to launch your next educational programme?
Get started with AGILE. See how we can assist you in your educational endeavors. Below are just a few of our capabilities.
Global symposia and meetings
Regional and local meetings
Hands-on workshops
Internet radio
Online streaming
Podcast download (iTunes, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Tunein)
Short-form education
Multi-format (audio, video & text)
Mobile apps
Text (SMS) messaging
Contact Us
Get started with us today – for more information contact a member of our team:
8, Chemin des Deux-Communes
Case Postale 85
CH-1226 Thonex – Switzerland
Email: info@agile.eu